Our friendly and excellent guides are available as Step On Guides for any visiting tour or coach operators who may like a unique, entertaining and educational tour of Irish History and the events of Easter Week 1916.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Held Prisoner By The Rebels in 1916
Much has been written about those who took part in the
Easter Rising and the lives of those who died have been discussed at length but
what about those enemy forces who became Prisoners Of War of the new Irish Republic .
Here are some of their stories.
On Easter Monday a train was stopped by rebels at Westland
Row station, on board was one uniformed British soldier a Inns Court OTC Cadet,
George F Mackay. He was taken after a number of hours being detained alone in a
railway carriage to DeValera’s garrison at Boland’s Mills. He was blindfolded
for the rest of Monday and most of Tuesday in a makeshift cell created from
flour bags and a door constructed from wood and chicken wire.
Volunteer Sean Byrne’s Bureau of Military History statement
DOCUMENT NO. W.S. 422 Witness Sean Byrne
Before that, a
prisoner named Mackey had been brought to me from where he had been detained in
the bakery. He was a Cadet from the Artillery
College , Sandhurst ,
and he was in uniform. He had been with me a day or so when we were fired at
from Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital. The Commandant made out a document to notify
the public that the British were using hospitals for military purposes and that
if they continued to do so he would have no alternative but to shoot the
prisoner. That document was signed by the Commandant himself, by the prisoner,
and by me. I understood that the document was to be sent to the G. P.O to be
printed, for the purpose of having it read out in the churches.
And then goes on to tell
We had the prisoner
Mackey still with us and the Commandant (DeValera) told me to tell him that we
were about to leave or about to surrender, I forget which. He told me I was to
give the prisoner the choice of staying in the dispensary or coming with us.
Mackey elected to come with us, making the explanation that if he were to stay
there and his own people were to come, they might treat him as a traitor. I
remember giving him a brush to brush his clothes because ho was a bit untidy
and I also gave him a towel and soap to wash himself
Mackay was a member of the Leinster Regiment and in March
1916 had been promoted to Lieutenant.
There were a number enemy forces of the Volunteers held at
the GPO. According to Aoife De Burca’s Witness Statement
In. the kitchen, which
was off the dining tall, there were quite a number of young girls cooking, ably
assisted by three or four Tommies, who appeared very happy in their new
surroundings. I remember asking one of them how he liked being a prisoner of
war. “Indeed, Miss,” he replied I feel far happier and safer here than. I’d be
anywhere else. - “Well” I said, “the tables are turned anyway, however long it
may last. He nodded his head and walked away smiling
In an article in the New York Times by County Wexford
native Moira Ryan the GPO garrison had 10 soldiers POW. One even wrote a letter
home to his wife in Drumcondra which was delivered by Ryan as at some stages
the prisoners of war did not know whether they would survive the events of the
Michael O’Rahilly better known as The O’Rahilly was placed in
charge of the prisoners.
Included was 2nd Lieutenant Alexander D Chalmers of the Royal
Fusiliers. When the rebels charged in to the GPO, Chalmers happened just to be in the wrong place at the wrong time buying a postage stamp. He was tied up and bundled into the telephone box that stood in the middle of the main floor. At Diarmuid Lynch’s court martial at the Richmond Barracks after
picking Lynch out from a group of prisoners, Chambers stated in relation to
himself and his fellow prisoners
‘we were left to die
like rats in a trap’
Chalmers was reportedly wounded leaving the GPO via the Henry Street
entrance when released by The O’Rahilly, Chambers claiming that he was shot by
the rebels, the rebels claiming that he was wounded by fire from the British
Another prisoner was Lieutenant S L King of the 12th Royal Engineers. He
was captured by the rebels at 10am Tuesday morning as he walked along Sackville Street in
uniform. He was a witness for the Crown at Connolly’s court martial where he
‘we were well treated
generally by the rebels’
Others included Sergeant Henry of the School of Musketry,
Dollymount Camp and Private James Doyle of the Royal Irish Regiment based in
Beggar's Bush Barracks who were discovered among the ruins of the Coliseum
Theatre in Henry Street having taken shelter there after been freed as the
rebels evacuated the GPO and made there was to Moore Street and the last stand
of the Irish Republic.
The Irish Independent of May 16th published an
eye witness account of one of the rebel’s prisoners Private William Richardson
of the 6th Connaught Rangers. (Richardson served in the British Army
1914 -1920)
On Easter Tuesday morning he ventured into Henry Street and was
arrested by the Volunteers and taken to the G.P.O., where he was told 'by Mr.
P. H. Pearse that as a soldier he would be treated as a. prisoner of
war. He was taken to a room at the top, where some policemen and soldiers 13 in
all were held prisoners. Here those who smoked got from the insurgents
tobacco etc. and all were supplied with sufficient to eat. With, the rattle of
firing, our informant and a fellow-prisoner were the only prisoners who
slept that night. On Wednesday morning The O’Rahilly saw to it that the prisoners had
breakfast, saying that so long as food was in the place they would get it.
That day the prisoners were put to
carrying bags of flour up to the kitchen, getting a plentiful dinner and tea. At
night, cannonading shook the building with shock after shock. I have,"
said Pte. Richardson ,"
done my bit at Loos with the Irish Brigade, but the like "of the
bombardment we were under that night I never experienced." On Thursday the
whole front of the G.P.O. was ablaze.
Tom Clarke said to the prisoners "Boys
we want to took after you; that is more than the British would do for us, We
want to get you to safety as far as we can"
On Thursday, The O'Rahilly, for their safety brought the prisoners
back to the room in which they were first placed, saying: "I give you my
word you will escape with your lives have no, fear." "More than one of
us said a prayer for him," said Pte. Richardson .
On Friday morning the whole G.P.O. was ablaze 'and bullets whizzed everywhere.
The O'Rahilly again saw to the feeding of the prisoners, saying
They would share alike. 'It's war time," he said "and we're
short ourselves, but we've done the best we could for you"
The prisoner’s next billet was the dark cellar, where they
learned from the voice of an insurgent that bombs had been placed there. The
insurgents removed this danger. Soon after The O'Rahilly placed the prisoners in
a place near the door where they could mate a rush for liberty and shaking
hands with them all said: "Good-bye and I may never see you again.
Good-bye and good luck".
House of Commons Debate 24 May
1916 vol 82 c20772077
Mr. GINNELL (Irish Parliamentary Party Westmeath
North MP)
asked the Under-Secretary of
State for War whether the attention of General Maxwell has been directed to the
statement of Private William Richardson, 6th Connaught Rangers, of the
treatment he and a dozen others received while prisoners in the hands of the
Irish Volunteers by direction of P. H. Pearce, The O'Rahilly, and Thomas
Clarke, Volunteer officers; whether that statement and an equally impartial one
of General Maxwell's treatment of Volunteer prisoners may be sent to America;
and whether he can guarantee that Private Richardson will not be punished for
giving a true account of his experience?
General Maxwell is aware of the
statement made of the treatment received by soldiers while prisoners in the
hands of the rebels. Private Richardson will not be punished for any such
statement he may have made. Consent cannot be given for any statement being
sent to America .
James Connolly who was wounded by a bullet ricochet as he
made his was back into the rebel headquarters after visited some rebel
positions was put under an anaesthetic to have the bone in his foot set and
this was ably performed by Lieutenant Mahony, R.A.M.C, a prisoner in the GPO
Down at Ned Daly’s Four Courts garrison Michael O Flanagan
in his Witness Statement said
When we got as far as
the Father Matthew Hall I met Commandant Ned Daly on the street and informed
him of my mission. He told me that he was short of men and that as he required
an escort to take some enemy prisoners, held in custody in the Father Matthew
Hall, from the hall to the Four Courts, I was to divide my party-sending half
of it as an escort with the prisoners, and the other half to Reilly's Fort
While in the Gymnasium
I noticed, among others, Tom Clarke, Willie Pearse, Eamon Ceannt and the
brothers Bevan, one of whom - Thomas - had been in charge of the prisoners
which we captured and confined in the Four Courts during the fight. Thomas,
having been in charge of the prisoners, was regarded as of some importance by
the British military although during the week he only held the rank of an
ordinary Volunteer
Sean O’Duffy and a number of rebels attacked the Linen Hall
Barracks and seized 20 prisoners mostly unarmed army pay staff and a R.I.C man
with them. They were then escorted them to Fr Matthew Hall on Church Street as
the rebels torched the barracks as they did not have enough volunteers to hold
the position. At the Hall, Volunteer Francis Coughlan put in charge of the
prisoners. A Dublin Metropolitan Policeman by the name of Heffernan was also captured
at Church Street
at 2pm on Easter Monday and taken to the Four Courts.
Sean Kennedy in his statement stated,
At about two O'clock
on Monday we observed a British officer in Uniform proceeding to an outside
car, travelling in the direction of Kingsbridge. I left the. barricade and,
crossing to the: South Quays, held up the hackney car, took the officer off it
and brought him a prisoner to the Four Courts where I handed him over to
Captain Frank Fahy, 0/C of C. Company.
That British officer was Captain R.K. Brereton from Athlone
in County Westmeath . He was travelling from the Phoenix Park along the River Liffey quays when
he and his chauffeur were captured by the rebels. Once taken inside the complex
along with a number of other prisoners they were kept in Court Number 2.
As the week wore on the prisoners were fed bread and tea and
Brereton recounted that his captors ‘became increasingly kind and civil’
What impressed Capt Brereton was " the
international military tone adopted by the Sinn' Feiners." They were not he
declared' out for massacre for burning or for loot. They were out for
war,' observing all the rules of civilised warfare and fighting clean. So far
as I saw they fought like gentlemen. They had possession of the restaurant in
the Four Courts stocked with spirits champagne and other wines, yet there war
no sign of drinking. They treated their prisoners with the utmost courtesy
and consideration though also misguided; and fed with lies and false
On Friday of the tumultuous week the prisoners were moved
from the court room to a passageway to protect from the expected shelling by of
British of the Four Courts. They were then moved to a room overlooking the
Bridewell before finally being released at six p.m. on the Saturday after the
surrender order had been received from Pearse.
Not only were British soldiers captured but members of the
unarmed Dublin Metropolitan Police men made prisoner. Constable Edward Dunphy (No.
35C) was taken prisoner by Volunteers in near the G.P.O. as the rebels seized
their headquarters. According to Joseph Gleeson’s WS another unarmed D.M.P.
officer Edward Dunphy who was on duty inside the building was seized by the
Johnny O’Connor making him the first prisoner of war. Dunphy was a forty four
year old policeman originally from County
Offaly . Married to
Kildare born Elizabeth Dunphy lived on Sherrard Avenue just off Dorset Street near
the Royal Canal .
He was tied to a chair but on the Thursday having been
released by The O’Rahilly despite James Connolly’s demand that the prisoner be
executed he was shot and wounded several times as he left the GPO, he received
wounds to the left hand and pellet wounds to the left cheek and forehead. The
bullet wounds were treated in Jervis
Street hospital and he was on sick report for 45
days. Edward Dunphy died three years later as a result of his wounds.
DMP Constable Fitzpatrick was making his way home to the South Circular Road
on Easter Monday when he was seized by the rebels. Initially held at New Street he was
then taken to Jacob’s Biscuit factory then under the command of Thomas McDonagh.
Also captured were Sergeant McDermott, Sergeant Cartright and Constable Mahon
of A District based at Kevin
Street police station now a Garda station. Also
seized was Constable Patrick Bermingham who managed to escape from Jacobs. He
had been a policeman since 1907 and was present on the Howth Road in 1914 as the Irish
Volunteers marched into the city centre with their new rifles from Germany having
been landed in Howth on the Asgard. Bermingham actually refused his orders on
that day along with about another dozen policemen to disarm the Volunteers.
Thomas McDonagh visited the DMP prisoners early in the week and
apologised for their detention but told then the country was rising, 30,000
German troops had landed in Kerry and a large force of Irish Americans had been
landed in County Wexford ,
all making their way to Dublin ...........
More of their stories to follow
More of their stories to follow
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Saturday, April 9, 2016
Was This the First Shot of the Rising?
In February 1916 James Connolly addressed the local Volunteers in Tyrone
As a group of Irish Volunteers gathered at Coalisland in County Tyrone on Easter Sunday in advance of the Rising a shot was fired. Was this the first shot of the Rising.
Two companies of Volunteers gathered on Easter Saturday having arrived by train from Belfast and on foot from Dungannon. On Sunday they were joined by further Volunteers from Coalisland. As they awaited orders they began to march in the direction of Cookstown. By now the countermanding order of Eoin McNeill was causing confusion among their ranks.
As the march reached Stewartstown towards the rear of the column of 140 men a group of Loyalist women on the side of the road began to hurl verbal abuse. A revolver was produced and shots fired at the Orange women. A number of RIC men accompanying the group of armed Volunteers attempted to arrest the shooter but he disappeared into the column but despite attempts to trip up Sergeant Ryan and Head Constable O'Neill they arrested their man and another for obstruction in that arrest.
Now the story becomes muddy. The man arrested initially gave the false name and address of John McCloskey of Platus Hill, Coalisland but when charged he was John Dillon of 49 Gibson Street Belfast. The man arrested for obstruction was Jeremiah Hurley of Amelia Street, Belfast. Both men were bailed Dillon on £50 with two independent sureties of £25 and Hurley on £20 with two sureties of £10.
Denis McCullough who was president of the Irish Republic Brotherhood was on the march and in his witness statement to the Bureau of Military History gives the same account but names the man as Butler whom he described as a 'hanger on' and his drinking was a bad influence on the other volunteers. A number of witness statements about those couple of days refers to a lot of drinking and drunkenness.
In July 1916 before Dungannon Courts a jury of two men were sworn in but just as a verdict was about to be delivered on the two men who had pleaded not guilty there was a charge of jury tampering and the case was adjourned with the two men released on continuing bail.
There is a John Dillon recorded in Belfast Brigade of participants in the Easter Rising but why would should a senior figure in the planning of the Rising get the key facts so wrong?
'it's a mistake to fight only in the country, fight in the towns'.
As a group of Irish Volunteers gathered at Coalisland in County Tyrone on Easter Sunday in advance of the Rising a shot was fired. Was this the first shot of the Rising.
Two companies of Volunteers gathered on Easter Saturday having arrived by train from Belfast and on foot from Dungannon. On Sunday they were joined by further Volunteers from Coalisland. As they awaited orders they began to march in the direction of Cookstown. By now the countermanding order of Eoin McNeill was causing confusion among their ranks.
As the march reached Stewartstown towards the rear of the column of 140 men a group of Loyalist women on the side of the road began to hurl verbal abuse. A revolver was produced and shots fired at the Orange women. A number of RIC men accompanying the group of armed Volunteers attempted to arrest the shooter but he disappeared into the column but despite attempts to trip up Sergeant Ryan and Head Constable O'Neill they arrested their man and another for obstruction in that arrest.
Now the story becomes muddy. The man arrested initially gave the false name and address of John McCloskey of Platus Hill, Coalisland but when charged he was John Dillon of 49 Gibson Street Belfast. The man arrested for obstruction was Jeremiah Hurley of Amelia Street, Belfast. Both men were bailed Dillon on £50 with two independent sureties of £25 and Hurley on £20 with two sureties of £10.
Denis McCullough who was president of the Irish Republic Brotherhood was on the march and in his witness statement to the Bureau of Military History gives the same account but names the man as Butler whom he described as a 'hanger on' and his drinking was a bad influence on the other volunteers. A number of witness statements about those couple of days refers to a lot of drinking and drunkenness.
In July 1916 before Dungannon Courts a jury of two men were sworn in but just as a verdict was about to be delivered on the two men who had pleaded not guilty there was a charge of jury tampering and the case was adjourned with the two men released on continuing bail.
There is a John Dillon recorded in Belfast Brigade of participants in the Easter Rising but why would should a senior figure in the planning of the Rising get the key facts so wrong?
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